O-Week at UNSW

Saturday, February 28, 2015 1:53 amTrang Nguyen

Next week will mark a new chapter in our lives as we say goodbye to what's left of our post-HSC break and head off to uni. I'll admit, it's daunting but exciting at the same time. Fortunately for me I get to make this transition with Jacqueline as we're both doing the same course at UNSW. We spent 3 out of 5 days at the orientation week exploring the campus, meeting people in our course and settling into the whole uni life - but most importantly, finding all the shortcuts around campus because it is literally a giant hill.

Quadrangle Lawn

Joining a soc!

Now that we're coming here 4 days a week, you can expect to see a lot more city posts from us. There was a day where we met up with friends to watch The Theory of Everything at Centennial Park after having spent the day at uni. I won't go into much detail but the movie touched our souls (plus I loved all the physics references in it). Outdoor cinemas are way more enjoyable than the standard ones if the weather decides to cooperate. Unfortunately we were shivering our butts off in the wind and occasional light rain, but on the plus side, we got a free pizza from Gold Grass!

Popped by N2 Chinatown before the movie to try their Green Tea Kit Kat. It tasted exactly like one, yum!

Me, Emily, Jacqueline and Martin settling in

Thursday night was definitely the highlight of O-week. UNSW held a carnival themed party at the Roundhouse and it was great being able to mingle with other students who aren't necessarily in our grade or faculties, as well as seeing old friends from high school. It was me and Veronica's first time going to something like this, but we had way more fun than expected! There was quite a bit of drinking and a lot of dancing and singing, and we had a great time meeting new people. 

(Hurlstonians) Edward, Usman, Veronica, me and Jason
I thought the leotard man was real too.


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